What Should I Do After a Personal Injury Car Accident?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you’re likely experiencing many emotions from fear to confusion. As a Tampa personal injury lawyer, our team at Cappy Law understands how the time after an accident can be overwhelming. 

And, the steps you take afterwards can play a major role in the outcome of your personal injury claim. 

To put yourself in a good position to get the justice you deserve, consider the following:

Document the Crash/Accident

Hopefully the police were called. This step is very important as it is the best way to document a crash or accident, But now you have been injured and though your mind’s racing, it’s important to take photos or detailed notes (like witness information) while the events are fresh.

Successful personal injury claims/cases require significant evidence. Be sure to collect police or incident reports, medical records, as well as property damage and scene photos from the accident scene. 

Seek Medical Attention

The first thing you should do after being injured is seek medical attention. Based on the severity, you should go to the emergency room, visit an urgent care clinic or schedule an appointment with your personal physician immediately. Any delays in medical care could have adverse consequences for both your health and legal case. 

More times than not, insurance companies consider receiving medical attention within 72 hours of the injury a reasonable timeframe. 

Contact an Attorney ASAP

Reach out to an attorney as soon as possible following your accident to review and evaluate your case and inform you of your rights.

Reducing the time between your accident and speaking with an attorney can improve the possibility of a favorable outcome. That’s because if you wait too long, valuable evidence from the accident could be changed, lost, or simply forgotten. 

Your personal injury lawyer will handle all the legal details pertaining to your injury claim. 

If you’ve been injured and haven’t contacted an attorney yet, read our blog post How Long Do I have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Florida? to see if you’re within the statute of limitations. 

Don’t Talk About Your Case

As a Tampa personal injury lawyer, we strongly advise that you do not talk about your case with anyone other than your medical physician and attorney. 

When you do talk about your case to either an insurance adjuster or the attorney of the other party involved, always have your lawyer present. 

If you’re ready to file a personal injury claim, contact us today and set up your free case evaluation.