Nursing Home and Assisted Living Negligence
Lawsuits involving assisted living facilities and nursing homes can involve complex legal matters.

Has your loved one been a victim of Nursing Home or Assisted Living abuse or neglect?
Nursing Home Lawyer Tampa, FL
Lawsuits involving assisted living facilities and nursing homes can involve complex legal matters.
Many assisted living facilities and nursing homes are run by large corporations that have the financial and legal wherewithal to overwhelm an inexperienced plaintiff.
Assisted living and nursing home abuse may occur as physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. Neglect can include, bedsores, weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration, falls, infections, and ultimately death.
This abuse can go unnoticed for long periods of time as victims of assisted living and nursing home abuse often keep these details to themselves. Hiding information may be caused by embarrassment, fear, or the inability to report abuse.
In cases of assisted living and nursing home abuse, residents and their families should seek legal counsel as soon as possible.
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